How to calculate parentage of a number | Parentage formula | Numbers Symbols | Calculator

 How to calculate parentage of a number


Numbers are symbols that are used to represent a quantity of something. They have been used for thousands of years to answer the question “how many?”. At first people only used whole numbers (integers), but then came the idea of fractions and negative numbers.


Numbers can be added together to find the total of two or more quantities. Additions are written as equations by placing “+” between the numbers being added.


A “power” is the number of times a number is multiplied by itself. So “5 x 5 x 5 x 5” is said to be “five to the power of four” which is written mathematically as 54.


A sequence of numbers is a series of numbers that follow one another according to a pattern, such as each number being two higher than the previous term.


Positive numbers count up from zero; negative numbers count down from zero. This means they are less than zero. If you had £5 in your bank account and withdrew £10 from a cash machine, your bank balance would show as –£5.

-5  -4  -3  -2  -1       0        1  2  3  4  5

                                   NEGATIVE NUMBERS                 POSITIVE NUMBERS 


Decimals are a way of expressing parts of things or numbers as tenths or hundredths of a whole number.

The number to the left                                                                 
of the decimal point is
a whole number (here   -----------------------   2
it is 1,234)
                                                                1. 234 . 56
The numbers to the right
of the decimal point are
parts of a number; here 5  ------------------------------------ 5
tenths and 6 hundredths


Percentages are another way of talking about parts of an object or number. Here, the whole (such as the whole of a school class) is said to be 100 per cent, or 100%. Half the class is therefore half that: 50%. The whole can be broken into very fine parts up to 100%.

100%   In a class of 100             
                    children, 100%
                    = 100 children

50%   In a class of 100 children,
                   50% = 50 children

1%     In a class of 10 children, 1% = 1 child


These are all ways of talking about parts of a number, or something that is less than a whole (such as half a cake, 50% of a class, or 0.5 of a meter). We can “translate” fractions, decimals, or percentages into each other. For instance, ¾ is the same as 75% or 0.75.z.
